The Secret to Blogging Success Is. . .

See on Scoop.itEverything Women

How to Make Your Blog as Hot as Angelina Jolie’s Fancy Little Legs

Lucero D‘s insight:

Bonnie Andrews at MAX that Marketing shared something that I needed to hear, or that is read.  Deep down inside I knew the truth.  Deep, deep in the recesses of my brain I know that the advice she offers is sound and sure and true.  It’s not rocket science.  It’s not brain surgery.  It’s simple, basic and unique to each of us.


Are you ready?  The secret is. . . .




Each individual has something to offer.  Your personal experiences and knowledge though some are taught and considered common to the human experience are unique to YOU.  Your personality is not the same as mine.  Your ability to assess risk is not the same as mine.  YOU are not the same as anyone else.  And that’s OK.  As a matter of fact that is good, GREAT even!


Why?  Because the only time we like cookie cutter anything is when we are eating cookies, period.  When people visit and read blogs it’s because they are looking to find a different perspective, valuable information, a personal connection with the author – YOU.  I’m sure that you have moments of self doubt where you don’t feel good enough, smart enough, or experienced enough to continue to be valuable to anyone.  Who are you comparing yourself to?  My advice (which I should apply more often) is don’t.  Just don’t.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone.  YOU just need to do what you do best and apply well known and documented techniques to bolster what is already great – YOU.


If you are a Bible reader you will know that even there we are told not to compare our value or actions to those of others.  Each one does what they can.  Galations 6:4, 5 says, "But let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. For each one will carry his own load."  Granted the Apostle Paul was talking about a different subject, but the concept still applies.  No one can answer for YOU, no one can make YOU successful, YOU have to prove your own work.  Just as Bonne says in the article YOU have to get out there and network and hustle.  YOU have to create content.  YOU HAVE TO BE CONFIDENT.  Not haughty or cocky, but sure of yourself.  People are drawn to confidence.  So YOU have to choose it.


So, the secret to success is YOU and being confident in your knowledge and abilities.  Even if you feel you need a bit more education on a certain subject that does not dilute the value you already bring to your own success equation. All it means is that you have a little bit more work to do and being confident that you can get it done will help you to succeed in blogging.. . .or anything for that matter.

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