If you love to work with children, make a difference in the lives of others, or give back to your community, it might be time to pursue a career in social work. Many adults don’t realize just how important or…
DH and I were watching CNN this morning and saw an alarming story about an attack on a McDonald’s patron. Apparently last year a young woman was being assaulted by a man while in a McDonald’s. An employee of the…
Please, if you read this post and view the attached presentation I ask that you leave me a comment even just to let me know you were here. I was going to send this out in email only, but there…
Psoriasis: A Painful and Annoying Skin Disorder Psoriasis is a condition of the skin caused by a malfunction of the immune system. Doctors and scientists are unsure exactly what causes this malfunction. In people that suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic…
I received this from my brother-in-law and this is one of the few things I’ve gotten from him that are actually worth sharing with others :-). I HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB, SO.. Like a lot…
I know, I know. . . You should always back up your precious data. Unfortunately, there are times when the catastrophic strikes at the least opportune time. Lately, I’ve had to deal with three such crashes. Most of the data…
The Karen are the largest minority group in Burma, now known as Myanmar. For many years they have fought for autonomy from the Burmese government without much success. A ray of hope was handed them during British rule. But as…
This will be my first in a series of posts examining this question and the origins of popular occult practices. The word occult can mean something as simple as being hidden from view. When used as a noun as in…
I ask this because I really don’t know. My mother has been fighting against a seemingly unidentifiable immune disorder for many years. She is unable to eat sugar in almost all it’s forms which for a fruit lover is torture. …