It was warm outside yesterday. Almost 60 Fahrenheit and it makes me itch to get into the garden. When my girls were very small I turned my attention almost solely to vegetable gardening and left the flowers to a few leftover…
See on Scoop.it – Digging The Earth Litchfield County Times is your source for all Litchfield County 24-hour breaking news, local news, life, community, arts, entertainment and more. View weather updates, watch videos and photos. Keep up with News and…
Last week I noticed as I looked out the window that my tulips are peaking out of the ground as are my daylilies, wormwood and phlox. It won’t be long and we will have a lush display of many shades…
This is always one thing that makes me nervous in the growing process – repotting your new seedlings. Sherxr from Ur Resident Chef had a question about when and how to repot. Well, I’ve had my share of successes and…