Everybody is a Genius


Everybody is a Genius


. . . That is according to Albert Einstein. One of his famous quotes is, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Ever feel like you are a fish trying to climb a tree?  I do more times than I care to admit.

Reading this quote the other day made me reflect on my abilities and our lifespan. When you think about mankind through history – how many millions of people finish their earthly course without feeling fulfilled? How many people go through their lives constantly changing what they do and what they think they like never to find what they are truly good at?

Over the centuries we have very callously referred to individuals who lack what we consider common sense and the ability to understand abstract concepts but have an uncanny ability to remember specific facts or develop an artistic ability as idiot savants. Thinking of this quote makes me realize that they have something that the rest of us lack – the ability to hyper-focus on one thing. Another one of Einstein’s sayings is, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Holy Cow – epiphany! We would all have the potential to be as ‘smart’ as Einstein if we had the time to focus our attention and our passion on what we are naturally good at.

If you look at job change statistics you will see how many millions are facing the same dissatisfaction or frustration of not knowing what they are good at. On average a person will change jobs 11 times before they turn 44. Not only that, but they will probably change careers 5 to 7 times in their lifetime. This trend has slowed somewhat with the need for having a secure job in a down economy.

Have you ever heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Basically, once your needs for food, clothing, shelter and safety are adequately met your “needs” change focus. You are more able to attempt to fulfill your need for personal satisfaction and growth – self-actualization. For many in first world nations this is where our focus is as long as we have our social and esteem needs met as well. Sadly, in third world countries this isn’t the case. Being able to focus on what they are ‘good at’ is superseded by the need to eat, protect themselves from the environment and other humans and survive under oppressive regimes.

Does this ever make you wonder if this life is really all it’s supposed to be? Is this really all there is? From the name of my blog you’ve probably come to realize that I believe we are created from this Earth we live on. I believe there is a Creator who provided this planet and all it’s abundance. I also believe that He has a plan for correcting all the ills on this Earth and that one day all who choose to obey Him will have the opportunity and the time, indefinitely, to discover and perfect what they are good at without having to fear a lack of food, failing health, old age or even death. This Earth will be returned to a Paradise condition the way it was originally intended with perfect (physically and morally) individuals inhabiting and caring for it. We have hope from the Bible that those ruining the Earth will themselves be brought to ruin (Revelation 11:18). The Bible also tells us that the ‘meek will inhabit the Earth and have their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace’ and the ‘righteous will possess the earth and will reside forever upon it’ (Psalms 37:11, 29).

Would you like to live in a Paradise earth filled with perfect people and unending time to accomplish your purpose without the fear of death?

photo credit: sfjalar via photopin cc

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