Change Your Mindset to Build Your Dream Business

This morning while reading my usual forums online I came across a link that lead to another article about building a business even if you have no capital.  I was a bit skeptical at first about the type of advice this mompreneur would be handing out until I read her words.  Bonnie Andrews is a featured contributor on the site  What her advice comes down to is changing your mindset about what you have, what you need, what you can do and how to focus.  She offered 9 tips on how to build your DREAM business with the cash you have {even if it’s zero}.



Money is not an issue when desire and motivation to succeed are your engine.  Really it was the second time this morning that I read that having money as your focus would kill your business.  Instead of allowing your passion to shine through and making your clients love you you’ll end up stressed, strapped and clientless.  The other article I read was about mistakes mompreneurs make and how to avoid them. 

What I learned from both these articles is to focus on what you love and do it well.  When you are building a business or a brand on your own less is actually more because you can have hyperfocus on one important thing instead of being divided over too many products and brands.  Leverage the cash you have and the contacts you build.  If you really, really, REALLY want to build a business you need to be willing to forgo some of the conveniences and extras to make it happen.  You need to be honest with yourself about your actual NEEDS and what are only indulgences.  Don’t be afraid of negotiation – if you are convinced of your worth your assertiveness will not be perceived as begging.

The overall thread from both these articles was believe in yourself, be willing to sacrifice, make opportunities happen and don’t give up.  When you switch your focus and stop making excuses there is no where to go but up.

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