FROM THE COMPANY: On va chanter! (Let’s sing!) On va danser! (Let’s dance!) On va jouer! (Let’s play!) This interactive French immersion program is non-stop language-learning fun from Whistlefritz, the producers of the award-winning French for Kids and Spanish for Kids series. With the help of Fritzi the mouse and a playful group of peers, Marie introduces vocabulary related to different parts of the body. And what better way to get those body parts moving than with delightful sing-along, dance-along songs, including “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and familiar French folksongs with exciting new twists. From le chapeau (the hat) to la chaussure (the shoe), kids will love trying on their new French vocabulary for clothes in playful, interactive skits. On Va Jouer entertainingly combines colorful illustrated backgrounds, live- action, and 2-D and 3-D animation. Friendly characters and abundant humor make learning a new language as much fun as play time. Vous êtes prêts? (Are you ready?) On va jouer! This DVD includes an easy-to-use translation guide for parents and teachers who are first time learners of French, as well as French subtitles. Designed for children ages 1-7, On Va Jouer is fun for all ages!
Though I can speak two languages I wish I could speak 3 or 4 or 9! I may be able to pick another one up in my life but my kids are still at a moldable stage in life. Their potential for learning more languages is much higher and I want to take advantage of that. I don’t want to make it drudgery though. I want them to want to learn; not to find the process distasteful.
WhistleFritz understands this and has produced a series of DVDs in several different languages geared directly for young children. Thanks to Tomoson I received a complimentary French for Kids: #OnVaJouer DVD for my children to use. When I received the DVD I read all about their reasoning behind how they do their lessons. Unlike most lessons for adults that involve some level of explanation and translation there is none in the WhistleFritz lessons. Their method of teaching is much like learning your first native tongue. You couldn’t read and there was no one to translate for you into baby babble. You merely associated the sounds you were hearing with what you saw or felt.
In the lessons a pleasant and happy lady uses a jovial and clear tone to speak to the children in French and French alone. Following her visual cues and the cartoons you soon can understand exactly what she’s talking about. Though it may at first be a bit difficult to catch every word it is clear enough to understand and repeat the key words. There are also little guessing games and songs for dancing to help reinforce the key words.
My oldest dove right in and was enthralled. My little one was at first intimidated but once I explained to her what was going on and why there was no translation she was more accepting and started to have fun. It was just a matter of personality difference but was easily overcome with some coaxing.
Overall my children and I enjoyed the video lessons. We would like to get more in the set once we master this DVD which focused on the parts of the body.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.
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