Saturday my in-laws came over. My father-in-law helped my husband install new electrical outlets and receptacles in the bathroom and my mother-in-law hung out with the girls. It was a great help to me because I had a chance to really work on the cleaning of the house and folding laundry – things that are otherwise difficult when I’m holding the baby or caring for my three year old. It was almost 11 PM by the time they left. My baby was colicky and it took quite a while to calm her down. It was almost 2 AM before we got to bed.
After two late nights in a row my husband and I were beat. We were supposed to go to church in the morning and I was just opening my eyes about 5 minutes before the meeting started. So we took the opportunity to sit quietly and eat our breakfast and have a cup of coffee. Then came the question, “What do you want to do today?” Uh, I don’t know – It’s Sunday.
The girls and I had been invited to a bridal shower for a long time friend of my husbands and we were planning on going. Then my husband reminded me that we hadn’t gotten her anything. The couple is registered at Kohl’s so I thought I’d just order them a gift card online and show up to the shower with a greeting card and the receipt and be done with it. My hubby didn’t want me to go empty handed. So, we took off for the nearest Kohl’s. The trip then morphed into a home renovation trip to all the home improvement stores in town. The shower started at 3. We didn’t get home until 8 :(.
At least we got to see the last half of the Super Bowl. We were all excited about watching half time and using our 3D glasses we’d gotten the week before. No such luck. At least the game – what we caught of it anyway – was exciting. I like to see the underdog win as much as the next guy, but I must say the fact that some fellow Ohioans play for the Steelers I was secretly hoping they’d win again. And of course they did.
Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.