Author: Lucero De La Tierra

Firstly, I'm a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.

Enter to Win a Free Handbag!

There is a new website coming to your desktop and they are giving away a handbag every hour until they launch on October 15th.  Thank you very much  HandbagPlanet will be selling high-quality, reasonably priced, designer handbags for $30…

Psoriasis: What Is It?

Psoriasis:  A Painful and Annoying Skin Disorder Psoriasis is a condition of the skin caused by a malfunction of the immune system.  Doctors and scientists are unsure exactly what causes this malfunction.  In people that suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic…

Drop An Entrecard Bomb

In surfing through ads on fellow EntreCard sites I came across an interesting concept.  It’s called “Dropping A Bomb”.  It’s a way of returning the favor to those that loyally drop on your site.  When you click on the “Drop…

The Urine Test

I received this from my brother-in-law and this is one of the few things I’ve gotten from him that are actually worth sharing with others :-). I HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB, SO.. Like a lot…