Category: How’s The Weather?

Tell us how the weather is in your neck of the woods. How is the weather affecting your garden, your mood or other aspects of your life?

She Slept on the Floor

We live not a mile from some new highway construction.  There are no trees or even houses to block out view of the goings on.  This isn’t really a nuisance during the day, but they’ve been working all night, too.…

Supersaturated. . . Solution?

If you’ve ever taken a high school chemistry course or even a general science course in junior high you are familiar with the term “supersaturated solution”.  Who hasn’t done the experiment with dissolving loads and loads of salt or sugar…

Sowing Seeds of Love

Over the past few weeks since I started my workout routine I had a feeling that something was up.  If you’ve read my blog posts from the beginning you’ll find some irony in what I’m about to tell you. After…

I'm Late. . .

These two little words can conjure up feelings of ire, fear or elation. Isn’t it amazing how powerful language can be given the circumstances in which it’s used. Let’s examine: – “I’m late. . . for work. A raccoon bit…