Printscreen of http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-200-calories-look-like.htm. The list of foods is much longer and I recommend taking a look at this article for more pics of what 200 kCal looks like.
Truth be told when I was growing up I didn’t much care for eggs. Not boiled, not fried, not scrambled. No green eggs and ham please. Growing up does so many things to your tastes, your personality and everything in between. Now I can truly say I love eggs – yolks and all. They are a good source of innositol and other vitamins and minerals that encourage hair growth (think mayonnaise hair masks) and I love having long, lustrous healthy hair.
Lately, I’ve had to cut out or severely diminish the amount of egg yolks I eat. The part of the egg that makes it fluffy and flavorful has had to go the way of the dodo for the most part in my diet at least. Why? It’s not about cholesterol so much as numbers. Each person has a different need for cholesterol based on gender, age and heredity. So even if I could stand to eat 4 whole eggs (which I can’t btw) and not have it affect my cholesterol I shouldn’t for one very good reason – calories. Those tasty yellow orbs have three times the calories of the whites and actually add little extra in the way of protein.
I discovered this one day reading the back of my carton of egg whites (never thought I’d say that). On the brand I had, I think it was Meijer brand egg whites, there was a comparison of what the equivalent serving of egg whites versus one whole egg. The egg had 75 calories compared to the egg white’s 25 PLUS it only had 1 more gram of protein per serving.
This is where volumetrics comes in. . . Volumetrics applies to nutrition in that you need to find foods that are less energy dense (fewer calories) but more mass (volume) over all. For instance, a small carrot is more calorie dense than a stalk of celery, but the stalk of celery will take up the same amount of room in your stomach (plus have a lower impact on your glycemic response). Foods that are high in fat, sugar and other carbs, which turn to sugar, end up not being satiating because they take up much less room and digest faster than foods high in fiber. Granted you NEED a certain amount of fat – even animal fat – in your diet, but you can get enough from lean cuts of beef, turkey, skinless boneless chicken breast, white fish and egg whites. There are good sources of fat in fruits and vegetables and nuts as well, such as avocados, olives and olive oil, almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts and legumes. You must be cautious even with these healthy sources of fat because fat is very energy dense. It brings new meaning to the phrase less is more. So. . . Everything in moderation.
As I’ve mentioned before even on a diet with Revolt Now Fitness I’ve been able to feel satisfied with my meals. They are balanced and give me the leeway I need to modify a meal to fit what I have in my refrigerator, eliminate anything I may be allergic to or just change for my specific tastes. I’ve noticed that when I deviate from this plan I end up feeling terrible with either a stomach ache or headache. I never noticed so pointedly how carbs affect my mood and my cravings until I was not eating them regularly. Once I start eating them I can’t seem to stop! This convinced me to try my best to stick to the Revolt diet plan. There are some websites I use to check nutritional value on foods so that I’m not fooling myself into eating something less satiating:
– Everydayhealth.com – Calorie Counter – there is also a smartphone app
– NOOM – this can be downloaded to iPhone and Android devices
– MyFitnessPal – online and mobile app
Staying full and eating frequent smaller meals really is the key to satiety and weight loss. It may feel like your life revolves around food but it’s better than having that food end up revolving around your midsection in the long run.
Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.