Though the Siberian Vortex is wreaking havoc on the world outside our front doors we can still warm the cockles of out heart with thoughts of the future. Quarto Press has recently released three gardening related books which can bring fantasies of Spring rains and sultry summer days spent in the garden. Get a hot cup of coffee, turn on your space heater and lay out your gardening design notebook or start up your favorite garden design app and get planning for the growing season just around the corner.

The first gardening book of 2019 is one that you will go back to again and again the entire year.
MASTERING THE ART OF VEGETABLE GARDENING by Matt Mattus is a “201” level course in cultivating produce.
Prepare to encounter new varieties of common plant species, learn their history and benefits, and, most of all, identify fascinating new edibles to grow in your own gardens. Written by gardening expert & horticulturist Matt Mattus, Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening offers a wealth of new and exciting opportunities, alongside beautiful photography, lore, insight, and humor that can only come from someone who has grown each vegetable himself and truly loves gardening.
There’s over 200 varieties of vegetables and herbs from the 50 most popular plant groups, and the book has been thoughtfully curated to tell you how, where, and why to grow each vegetable. Take artichokes, for example: there’s nearly a dozen varieties of seed options that are suitable for home growing in just about any climate with separate and unique benefits and characteristics. In Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening, you will find 10 types of artichoke described in loving detail—along with helpful tips on where and how to acquire seeds for each. Other popular and fascinating vegetables include: Asian greens, cowpeas, carrots and parsnips, potatoes, parsley, the tomato, and more—plus, you’ll find over two dozen varieties discussed.
With this book, you’ll take your gardening to a whole new level. “What you grow is a personal choice,” says Mattus. “Be creative.”
“Treat your vegetable garden as your own private fantasy supermarket.” This book will help you do that in a fun, engaging way with only benefits and reward to follow.

No-Waste Kitchen Gardening, by Katie Elzer-Peters is a lifestyle guide to reducing waste and re-growing kitchen scraps into a food source you can control and trust. In the process, you’ll save money while keeping fresh ingredients on-hand. This book will encourage you to stop tossing your carrot stumps, loose cilantro sprigs, lettuce and cabbage stalks, and apple cores in the waste bin or compost pile. Instead, Katie provides expert advice on how to use your scraps to re-grow almost an entire garden right on your kitchen counter, or from a small piece of your yard. The book includes edibles big and small, those quick to grow and those that take a bit longer; a few of the many plants profiled include green onions, tomatoes, melons, avocados, potatoes and more. With easy to follow, step-by-step photos and instructions, anyone can have fun learning from this book—including kids.

Last but not least, Straw Bale Solutions, by Joel Karsten. What I like most about this book is not only does it describe the method and implementation of the straw bale garden, but it gives multiple usage scenarios. From community gardens, schools and even artistic applications to high density methods in countries where agriculture is often difficult there are many projects from which to learn. Mr. Karsten describes the challenges of each situation and how the participants overcame obstacles to complete their straw bale gardening project.
Whether you want to become a master gardener, start growing indoors or are planning a high yield, easy to maintain vegetable garden Quarto Publishing Group has the gardening books to inspire. Please, share in the comments your gardening desires for the 2019 growing season.
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Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.