Author: Lucero De La Tierra

Firstly, I'm a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.

Apples2Apples Horror Story

One fine Sunday evening my sister-in-law invited us over to have dinner with our friend Letta and her new boyfriend.  She had three failed marriages and he was recently widowed after his wife’s debilitating 10-year illness.  We were elated that…

Where I've Been

Looking at my parents and in-laws I’ve begun to come to the realization that 30 or 40 years is a very short period of time. I’m 28, soon to be 29, and I feel like I’ve done nothing of consequence…

Mmm, You smell good!

In the shower today I got thinking about how people dealt with personal hygiene back hundreds of years ago.  This modern era of running water and electricity to every home, in developed countries, has us all spoiled.  We can shower…

My Want List

The items on my want list will either help to expand my outdoor garden or my virtual garden of websites. I always like surprises (who doesn’t) so if you feel so inclined to donate one or more of these items…

Plants and Seeds for Trade

Plants for Trade Irises, Yellow with Rust Colored Throat (corms) Irises, Yellow (corms) Irises, Traditional Lilac color (corms) Seeds for Trade (for number of seeds per trade please download the list – Seed Trade List for SASBE) The Excel formatted…