Join the National Consumer Panel (NCP) for free and earn rewards by doing something unique. The National Consumer panel is a panel made up of consumers whose opinions help manufacturers and retailers make decisions on what products to develop or…
I know I’ve had my love/hate relationship with eBay, but this week I’m in love again! A couple of things I’d been looking for are coats, waist cinchers and leather purses. I found my coat at Macy’s so that was…
Take advantage of the ONE DAY SALES at Macy’s. My suggestion would be if you can get to a store – GO. The deals there totally blow away any of their offerings online. This is especially the case if you…
My mom called me Sunday and said she’d gotten a flyer in the mail from Elder Beerman informing her of Senior Days discounts that would be available Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We planned to go together to the…
My project for today was shopping. It may not sound like much of a task, but when you have to tote around a toddler and a large pregnant belly it’s a difficult task. My mom had a 20% off coupon…