This past seven days have been days for firsts! My first Wordless Wednesday, my little girl’s first trip to the symphony and now my first Tackle it Tuesday post.
Of course all of this clothes had to be washed because it has the distinct odor of garage sale – long term storage in a card board box. So these mini outfits were washed, dried and folded. Among them I found two outfits that I’m going to take to the hospital to bring home the baby. I learned the first time that 0-3 month sizes are gigantic on a 6 or 7 lb. baby SOOOO, these two are NB size for babies 5-8 lbs. I doubt very much that our baby will be any bigger than 8 lbs., but anything is possible.
All of this moved me to clean out my little girls closet. The baby will eventually be sharing the room but will be sharing the closet and drawers from the get go.

My little girls dresses and clothes from 12 to 24 mos. in my closet now.
This meant I had to weed out all the outfits that were by now way to small for her and find a place for them in another closet that was easily accessible. I figure it’s useless to put them in a box that might get lost if we are going to need the clothing for another little girl in short order. (This will of course necessitate another project, “Cleaning Mommy’s Closet(s), which could very easily span months of Tackle It Tuesday posts :$) Now Yeyda’s closet and drawers are manageable and there is room for the babies clothes. I’ll have to really keep on top of weeding out old, worn or non fitting clothes regularly so that there continues to be enough room in their tiny area.
Our family will be welcoming a new baby this winter. According to the sonogram technician the baby will be a little girl. For the sake of this project and out pocket book I hope she is right. I finally decided to dig out the old baby clothes that belonged to Yeyda. My mother suggested that I put them in a garage sale and now I’m wondering why I listened. Knowing that we were planning to have another child I did however hold on to quite a bit of stuff. I have not been able though to find the majority of the everyday necessities for a new infant like hats, socks, and onesies. Unfortunately, they may have gone to the Goodwill because what I found in the garage sale boxes was pretty nice stuff. I’m glad that most of it didn’t sell. It may seem rather early to be getting this stuff around, but with my belly growing I’m noticing that my energy levels are waning more and more. I have to take advantage of this time I have left before I’m huge.
Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.