#Incendere Portable Incense Lighter Review

81+hg3tEMIL._SL1500_This item was sent to me as a complimentary sample in exchange for my honest review. I’ve never used incense before. This was a totally new experience. I just recently tried a culinary torch and was a little more brave about my use of butane fuel in my home. The lighter is fairly easy to fill with fuel, but I do recommend you do this either outside or in a well ventilated area because the fuel tends to blow back a little onto your hands. Also, I noticed that after the first dozen or so uses the lighter doesn’t strike on the first try any more. Don’t, I repeat DON’T, try to light it right away in the same place or you’ll get a mini fireball from the fuel that was let out on the first try.

I love the scent of the incense they sent with the lighter to try. Fill up the top section half way, screw the vented dome cap back on and light it. Hold for no more than 10 seconds. This is for your own safety and the continued viability of the lighter. Any longer than 10 seconds and the whole unit starts to get very hot.

Not only was the incense pleasant to smell, but it was fun to watch the wisps of smoke rise from the lighter like spider silk in a soft breeze. There was something so serene and beautiful about that. Any time I felt I needed a pick me up or that the food smell in the kitchen or house was getting to be too much I’d light the lighter for 10 seconds moving it gently to fill the space. The incense would continue to smolder and release aroma for a few minutes afterward.

I genuinely enjoyed using this item.

Check out their page on Amazon. – http://amzn.to/1YPxq1j

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