Thanks to Organo Oils I received a complimentary bottle of Eucalyptus essential oil for review. Eucalyptus is one of the best oils to get started with because it has so many great properties and potential uses. This bottle is a full 4 oz. of pure, steam distilled oil. At only $12.99 it is a great value.
Properties of Eucalyptus Essential Oil:
Antiseptic – When exposed to air eucalyptus oil forms ozone which is know for being great at healing burns, sores or wounds.
Relaxation – Provides cooling relief to sore muscles after extensive exertion
Germicidal – This goes hand in hand with it’s antiseptic properties which makes it an ideal option for oral cleansing. Use it to make your own toothpaste or mouthwash. It is effective against dental and gum infections.
Pesticide – A natural deterrent to bugs. Even lice can’t stand it and it’s easier on the skin and hair.
Deodorizer – Freshen the air in any room of your home by diffusing eucalyptus oil in it. The ozone and antibacterial properties will destroy smells and any lingering bacteria or mold in the space. This is especially important during cold and flu season.
Respiratory Soother – the cool, fresh fragrance of eucalyptus when added to a hot bath, sauna or vaporizer can help relax the mind and relief symptoms of hay fever, common colds, bronchitis or other respiratory ailments.
This essential oil from Organo Oils is therapeutic grade meaning it is intended only for topical use. As with any essential oil always dilute it with a carrier oil like almond, coconut, sesame or olive oil to prevent irritation. If you decide to use eucalyptus oil in home made mouthwash, toothpaste or other oral care preparation make sure to take care and not use too much as ingesting greater amounts can be toxic.
Firstly, I’m a mom and wife. Professionally, IT consulting is my job and blogging is the outlet for my passions. I write about things that affect the everyday life of a stay-at-home parent or any parent for that matter such as parenting, relationships, discipline, the media, product reviews, giveaways, social media, food, cooking, gardening and anything else that might come my way.
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