Watering your garden doesn’t need to be back breaking or a water-hogging procedure. Here are 10 creative ways to save water and irrigate the garden.
Category: Gardening
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5 herbs that belong in every kitchen garden

5 herbs that belong in every kitchen garden Related Topics: Tue, Apr 02 2013 at 1:18 PM Savory and pungent, herbs hold a special spot in the kitchen arsenal, providing the X factor in many home-cooked meals. Judiciously measured in a pinch here and a dash there, herbs add complexity and depth to dishes in subtle and profound ways, rounding out flavors as food hits the tongue. Perhaps the best way to make the most of them is to try growing your own. Regardless of the size of your home, there’s always room for a pot on the windowsill or a small container. Homeowners with more room can go the edible landscape route for an abundant supply of leafy greens and fresh herbs. From seed to plant to your cooking pot, herbs keep right on giving. Snipping off small quantities stimulates the plants to produce even more. Get your kitchen garden started by planting these five basic herbs.