Even though my garden plot is now clean and mostly free of weeds and debris I can’t seem to get motivated to go plant. No seedlings were started this spring because I just couldn’t seem to make the time or…
See on Scoop.it – Digging The Earth Growing your own vegetables is rewarding and fun. Learn what crops to grow in your spring garden and about the efficient technique of growing your vegetables in raised beds. This event will be…
It is so gratifying to be able to make meals with vegetables and herbs harvested from your own garden. Yesterday I made a mushroom soup that called for a mixture of herbs like sage, thyme, marjoram and rosemary. I had…
It’s Saturday morning and though I got a late start on seeding my flats this year I am pretty happy with my progress. I have one mini greenhouse, one milk jug and 2 of the 10″ x 20″ black plastic…
Last weekend and the beginning of this weeks were horrible days of scary weather. We had tornado warnings, continuous rain and massive flooding. Everywhere you looked in NW Ohio there were rivers and creeks overflowing their banks and low lying…
With several inches of snow on the ground, below freezing temperatures and days that the roads are so icy I won’t venture out even to get the mail – I really miss being outside. My three year old wants to…
The weather has turned colder. It’s as if the calendar told the weather, “Hey, it’s October. It’s time to get cold.” And it certainly did. We went from a balmy 80 the week before to mid 50s and low 60s…
This is always one thing that makes me nervous in the growing process – repotting your new seedlings. Sherxr from Ur Resident Chef had a question about when and how to repot. Well, I’ve had my share of successes and…