Watering your garden doesn’t need to be back breaking or a water-hogging procedure. Here are 10 creative ways to save water and irrigate the garden.
Category: Vegetable Gardening
Use Your Kitchen Scraps to Re-Grow Valuable Foods | New Book by Katie Elzer-Peters
Keep Warm by Thinking of Your Spring Garden | 3 New Books from Quarto Knows
The 2018 Garden Guide: Advice and Inspiration for the Modern Gardener

The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s all-new gardening annual features endless edibles, plants with pizzazz, front-yard foodscapes, guidance on planning a path, and more! [dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#1db130″ ]If you are a gardener you are probably familiar with…