Category: Personal Care

Caring for your personal hygiene, mental and physical health.

Sensitivity to Phosphates

You may never have thought much about this, but many manufacturers of processed and prepackaged foods add phosphates as a preservative and flavor enhancer.  Your Thanksgiving turkey, juicy pork loin, frozen chicken breasts, egg rolls and even your gallon of…

Manic Monday

For a Monday this wasn’t too bad.  I woke up feeling physically better than most days. My belly didn’t hurt and neither did my hips.  The latter is funny to me considering I had a chiropractor’s appointment scheduled for later…

Psoriasis: What Is It?

Psoriasis:  A Painful and Annoying Skin Disorder Psoriasis is a condition of the skin caused by a malfunction of the immune system.  Doctors and scientists are unsure exactly what causes this malfunction.  In people that suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic…