Category: Personal Care

Caring for your personal hygiene, mental and physical health.

7 Minutes Closer

Well, it’s day five of my new workout regimen and I’m seven minutes closer to ripped abs.  I’ve definitely felt more energetic even with just a short amount of exercise every day.  The afternoon arm workout didn’t materialize yesterday, but…

Abs do recover fast!

This morning I was back to doing the Great Abs Guaranteed routine. Interestingly, my abs were not too sore after resting for a day. Let’s see if I can say the same about my legs tomorrow. Right the muscles in…

Abs On Fire!!!

Well, it’s day two and I haven’t given up yet. I did the “Great Abs Guaranteed” workout again this morning. After yesterday I could really feel the burn this morning. I had to do the workout by memory since my…

Mmm, You smell good!

In the shower today I got thinking about how people dealt with personal hygiene back hundreds of years ago.  This modern era of running water and electricity to every home, in developed countries, has us all spoiled.  We can shower…